General Data Protection Regulation

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a law intended to protect the privacy of individuals. The AVG allows the use of your personal data by third parties under certain conditions. For example, it must be clear (among other things) who processes which personal data and for what purpose.
Thea Meulenberg Casting processes personal data. We think your privacy is important and only process your personal data in accordance with the law and this privacy policy. This means (among other things) that Thea Meulenberg Casting only processes the data for the purpose for which they were obtained and does so in a proper/careful manner.
In these privacy regulations, Thea Meulenberg Casting explains how it handles your personal data.
Personal data processed by Thea Meulenberg Casting where and why:
If you are interested in registering with Thea Meulenberg Casting, you can register on our website. Thea Meulenberg Casting asks for your:
- name, address place of residence (name and name) details 
- contact details
- date of birth 
- physical characteristics
- origin of your parent(s)
We also ask you to upload several photos of yourself. Thea Meulenberg Casting needs this information to register you as a talent and to be able to present you to our clients.
If you are going to perform work through Thea Meulenberg Casting, we will receive visual material (photos and possibly a YouTube or Vimeo link of your showreel). These will be included in the file that we keep on you. In this way we can better link you to certain clients.
Are you a client or photographer at Thea Meulenberg Casting? Then we register your first and last name, - if applicable - the company details, address, place of residence, e-mail address(es) and telephone number(s) and, if necessary, your bank details.
This is necessary to be able to financially and administratively handle the agreements that we have with you/your company/the company you work for and to be able to reach you if necessary.
Website visitors/Google Analytics
Thea Meulenberg Casting processes IP addresses of website visitors. We do this with the help of Google Analytics and in a privacy-friendly manner, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Dutch Data Protection Authority. For that reason, we do not need to request permission to use Google Analytics. By processing your IP address in accordance with the directive, we do not process your full IP address.
In addition to the afore mentioned use of Google Analytics, Thea Meulenberg Casting only uses cookies that are intended to make the website work properly. It does not require permission to use such functional cookies.
If Thea Meulenberg Casting (in the future) places cookies for which it does need your permission (-for example- to track your surfing behavior), it will inform you about this and ask you for permission.
Transfer to third parties
We may pass on your data to a third party. We only do this if:
- that is necessary in connection with a (possible) assignment
- that is necessary in connection with the handling of the agreement that we have with you
- we are legally obliged to do so or
- you have given us specific permission for this
We do not provide or sell your data to organizations that use it for commercial purposes other than in the context of a (possible) assignment.
Where does your data go?
Thea Meulenberg Casting passes on your personal data to companies/clients within and outside the European Economic Area (EEA). That depends on the assignment you get. Within the EEA, your privacy is protected in the same way as in the Netherlands. In countries outside the EEA, the level of privacy protection may differ from the level in the Netherlands. For those cases, Thea Meulenberg Casting asks for your permission in the mediation contract. You can always withdraw this permission.
Thea Meulenberg Casting protects your personal data/retention period
- your personal data can only be viewed by the staff of Thea Meulenberg Casting (unless stated otherwise in these Regulations/it is necessary for the handling of the agreement we have with you);
- each employee has a personal password to log in to the digital system.
- he employees of Thea Meulenberg Casting have a duty of confidentiality regarding all personal data provided to Thea Meulenberg Casting.
- Thea Meulenberg Casting processes data via online systems. These systems are protected against external intrusions according to current security standards.
-  Thea Meulenberg Casting has your data processed by a processor, it will ensure that agreements are made with those processors to guarantee your privacy
- your personal data will not be kept longer than is necessary for the purposes described. If the law prescribes a certain retention period, Thea Meulenberg Casting will comply with the prescribed statutory retention period.
Your rights
Under the GDPR you have several rights that can help you protect your privacy, for example:
- the right to information: the right to know whether and which personal data Thea Meulenberg Casting processes from you and for what purpose
- the right to correction, addition, or deletion of your personal data
- the right to object: the right to object to the processing of your personal data in certain cases. If you have given permission for the processing of your data, you can, for example, withdraw it.
- the right to restrict the processing of your personal data
- the right to data transfer: you may ask to provide you with the personal data that we process about you 'in a structured and commonly used form.'
- the right to be forgotten.
If you want to exercise your rights, please let us know. You can indicate this by e-mail. We do our best to respond within 4 weeks of receiving your message. If possible, we will comply with your request. There may be a reason why we cannot/are not allowed to comply with your request. If so, we will indicate a valid reason.
If you have a complaint about the way in which Thea Meulenberg Casting handles your data, please contact us. We think it is important that you feel comfortable with the way we handle your data and will do our utmost to find a solution together. You can also contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority, the national privacy regulator in the Netherlands. We appreciate it if you inform us about this.

Contact details
The current contact details of Thea Meulenberg Casting can be found on the website
If you have a question about this privacy policy, want to make use of your rights or have a complaint, please send an e-mail to [email protected]
Of course, we also handle the personal data provided to us with care in this context.

Privacy statement changes
Thea Meulenberg Casting can change this privacy statement at any time. The most recent version of our privacy policy can be found on our website.
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